Assalammu'alaikum Wr. Wb
On this occasion, I will give the reasons why I chose the faculty of agriculture and not the other faculties. The reason why I chose lectures at the faculty of agriculture at which point my vocational high school, I majored in aquaculture. There I learned about how to enlargement, spawning, fish hatcheries. Then, at the time of my second class I do the Job Training (PKL) for 6 months in Sekadau. Many experience I have gained in my practice one cultivate fish. As for some commodities can I cultivated namely catfish, carp and tilapia. Then after I graduated from school, I think to continue my learning to the university and the faculty of agriculture that I choose. I hope to enter this faculty, can ease my way in the future. Because my goal is I want to be a successful businessman and has a fish pond, particularly Indonesia is an agrarian country is an archipelago of more extensive sea from the mainland and has a high business opportunities in the field of fisheries. Then another reason I chose the faculty of agriculture is that I have a relationship with someone on the farm that is in the field of Planted Forest Industries (HTI). Therefore, my interest in agriculture is increasing. That's the reason why I chose the faculty of agriculture. I hope I have the opportunity to carry out the two areas., As one of my dreams is to be an employee or an employee who has a business that I established and have a lot of money and fulfill one of my mother's wish is to go on the pilgrimage.
Thank you for opening and taking the time to read my blog
Thank you for opening and taking the time to read my blog
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